
Manam Telugu Movie - Deleted Scene

A Telegu drama, starring the legend Akkineni Nageswara Rao and
the first film that stars three generations of Akkineni heroes. The story is about a 6yr old Bittoo who is orphaned at a very young age but grows up to be a very rich and successful businessman. He accidentally meets a person who appears as same as his late father. Similarly, he starts searching for his mother too, convinced and determined to unite them at least in this birth. Not knowing he has a karmic connection that goes back over hundred years. A one of its kind movie in the history of Indian Cinema which narrates a complex plot with simplicity. (CBFC U/A DIL/2/53/2014-HYD)

    Partner rating  U/A
    Release date 2014
    Running time 2:40:22
    Language Telugu
    Actors Akkineni Nageshwara Rao Naga Chaitanya Akkineni Nagarjuna Akkineni Shriya Saran Samantha  Ruth Prabhu Amitabh Bachchan Brahmanandam Akhil Akkineni
    Director Vikram Kumar
    Producer Akkineni Nagarjuna
    Writers Harshavardhan Vikram K. Kumar Mukund Pande
    Category Indian Cinema Comedy Drama